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Direct Contact to Brandon Hawkins

 Brandon Hawkins - ID: 1389588
 Name:  Brandon Hawkins
 IP & Posted by: on October 30, 2016 at 3:18pm
 Updated by:  October 31, 2016 at 1:20am
 Gender:  Male
 Age:  34
 Height:  5 Feet 10 Inches (178 cm)
 Weight:  175 lbs (80 kg)
 Body Type:  Average
 From City:  Santa Barbara
 State/Province:  California
 Zip:  9315
 Country:  United States
 Religion:  Catholic
 Education:  Some college
 Occupation:  Regional Manager
 Smoker:  Light smoker
 Drinker:  Not drink at all
 Marital Status: Single
 My goal:  He Who Hesitates is a Damn Fool (Mae West)
 Free Time:  Have fun & Adventure/anything I like.
 I Am:  I'm Brandon from Santa Barbara CA and am fed up with American culture and look forward to experiencing many other cultures. I'm traveling the world for the next year-and-a-half to two years then choosing which countries my dog and I will live. I have Vietnamese friends in the US and I love them, their food, their culture and have always wanted to visit Vietnam. I may move to Saigon, or, just visit often. I need someone to join me for adventure, dining, and experiencing all the best Vietnam has to offer.
 Looking For:  Sweet, kind, intelligent, beautiful, brunette, that's respectful, loves travel & adventure, knows how to act in public and at social events and has a Passport.

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