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Ho So: 567329 Dang Ky Ho So Sua Chua Ho So Xem Thu Tu Tim Kiem Ho So Bao Cao Ho So Xau Trang Chinh

Direct Contact to Giang

 Giang - ID: 567329
 Ten:  Giang
 IP va Ngay: on June 12, 2007 at 1:29am
 Sua Chua Ngay:  June 20, 2007 at 11:12pm
 Gioi Tinh:  Nam
 Tuoi:  33
 Chieu Cao:  5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm)
 Can Nang:  165 lbs (75 kg)
 Than Hinh:  Athletic
 Tu Thanh Pho:  San Diego
 Tieu Bang:  California
 Zip:  92109
 Dat Nuoc:  United States
 Ton Giao:  No Religion
 Hoc Van:  BA/BS (4 years college)
 Nghe Nghiep:  Financial/Bus. Analyst
 Hut Thuoc:  Non-smoker
 Uong Ruou:  Light/social drinker
 Gia Canh: Single
 Muc Tieu:  To find somebody patible to me. To make that special person the number one person in my life. Would like to get to know the that special someone, travel and then settle down and start a family.
 Gio Ranh Roi:  Like to read, surf the internet, play soccer, tennis, hiking, camping, traveling. Traveling is probably my favorite.
 Toi La:  My friends characterized me as fun loving, charming, easy going, smart, analytical, and social. I love to make people smile and laugh. I enjoy basically everything except mean people.
 Tim Kiem:  Interests include: hanging out at the beach, go dancing every once awhile, going out for movies, dinners, traveling or just staying in and enjoying a nice quiet evening together. Must be able to have a good personality and enjoys laughing and joking around but can be serious when needed.

Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den Giang (ID: 567329)

Program made by: Quang T Le
Copyright ©2002, 2003, VietFun & VietSingle.