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Ho So: 618134 Dang Ky Ho So Sua Chua Ho So Xem Thu Tu Tim Kiem Ho So Bao Cao Ho So Xau Trang Chinh

Direct Contact to Fivedown7up
 Fivedown7up - ID: 618134
 Ten:  Fivedown7up
 IP va Ngay: on December 3, 2007 at 12:13am
 Sua Chua Ngay:  December 5, 2007 at 1:54am
 Gioi Tinh:  Nam
 Tuoi:  39
 Chieu Cao:  5 Feet 6 Inches (168 cm)
 Can Nang:  145 lbs (66 kg)
 Than Hinh:  Will tell you later
 Tu Thanh Pho:  W. H
 Tieu Bang:  Florida
 Zip:  33880
 Dat Nuoc:  United States
 Ton Giao:  Catholic
 Hoc Van:  AA (2 years college)
 Nghe Nghiep:  self
 Hut Thuoc:  Light smoker
 Uong Ruou:  Not drink at all
 Gia Canh: Single
 Muc Tieu:  Hey you, out there in the cold, Getting lonely, getting old, Can you feel me? Hey you, standing in the aisles, With itchy feet and fading smiles, Can you feel me? Hey you, don't help them to bury the light, Don't give in without a fight..... ************************************ All that you give, All that you deal, All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal, All you create, All you destroy, All that you do, All that you say, All that you eat, And everyone you meet, All that you slight, And everyone you fight, All that is now, All that is gone, All that's to e, and everything under the sun is in tune, but the sun is eclipsed by the moon....
 Gio Ranh Roi:  Breathe, breathe in the air, Don't be afraid to care, Leave but don't leave me, Look around and choose your own ground, Long you live and high you fly, And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, And all you touch and all you see, Is all your life will ever be.......
 Toi La:  And if the clouds burst, thunder in your ear, You shot and no one seems to hear, And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.....
 Tim Kiem:  friends from all is short and good friend is just to dammm hard to find (LIFE: w/ good a good friend, a fine cup of coffee, Kobe steak, sushi, Kimchi, some good classic rock, sunset = HEAVEN IS NOT NEEDED!) :-) Thanks for stopping by...HAPPY HUNTING TO ALL. ID: darkcyodamun at you know where....

Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den Fivedown7up (ID: 618134)

Program made by: Quang T Le
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