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Profile: 648005 Post Profile Edit Profile Private Message Search Profile Alert Admin (Bad Profile) VietSingle.Com

Direct Contact to Atimsoulmate
 Atimsoulmate - ID: 648005
 Name:  Atimsoulmate
 IP & Posted by: on March 25, 2008 at 3:59pm
 Updated by:  May 6, 2008 at 8:01pm
 Gender:  Male
 Age:  46
 Height:  5 Feet 9 Inches (175 cm)
 Weight:  165 lbs (75 kg)
 Body Type:  Average
 From City:  St. jerome
 State/Province:  Quebec
 Zip:  12345
 Country:  Canada
 Religion:  No Religion
 Education:  BA/BS (4 years college)
 Occupation:  7 jobs
 Smoker:  Non-smoker
 Drinker:  Light/social drinker
 Marital Status: Divorced
 My goal:  Sống một cuộc sống lành mạnh và hạnh phúc với môt người mình yêu và yêu mình
 Free Time:  Research whatever caught my curiousity, listen to soft music, oldies and keep fit
 I Am:  I do not know how to describe myself other than a disciplined and organised person. I love to travel, especially to exotic places and my country. I am not rich, but very rich in my charitable spirit. My motto is " be the man, then be the husband". you have to stand on your two feet and take care of your loved ones physically, emotionally and financially. Je ne sais pas ment me décrire autre qu'une personne disciplinée et organisée. J'aime le voyage, surtout aux endroits exotiques et à mon pays. Je ne suis pas riche, mais très riche en mon esprit charitable. Ma devise est "être l'homme, être ensuite le mari". vous devez vous tenir debout sur vos deux pieds et vous occuper de vos aimés physiquement, avec émotion et financièrement.
 Looking For:  Tìm bạn tri kỷ và soulmate

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