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Ho So: 1445519 Dang Ky Ho So Sua Chua Ho So Xem Thu Tu Tim Kiem Ho So Bao Cao Ho So Xau Trang Chinh

Direct Contact to Timmer

 Timmer - ID: 1445519
 Ten:  Timmer
 IP va Ngay: on November 6, 2018 at 7:38am
 Sua Chua Ngay:  February 13, 2019 at 6:02pm
 Gioi Tinh:  Nam
 Tuoi:  59
 Chieu Cao:  5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm)
 Can Nang:  155 lbs (71 kg)
 Than Hinh:  Ample
 Tu Thanh Pho:  honolulu
 Tieu Bang:  Hawaii
 Zip:  96795
 Dat Nuoc:  United States
 Ton Giao:  Catholic
 Hoc Van:  MA/MS/MBA
 Nghe Nghiep:  Sub/Engineer Contracto
 Hut Thuoc:  Non-smoker
 Uong Ruou:  Not drink at all
 Gia Canh: Widowed
 Muc Tieu:  I feel I'm a man of integrity and a family supporter . I think am kind in heart and tender of soul, proud in the quality of what i do and responsible. I believe in taking care of a woman and treating her as a gift that God meant her to be. I also understand that making love is not just a physical act of two bodies
 Gio Ranh Roi:  I like going to the summer outdoor jazz concerts and down to those jazz concerts and the wine tasting tours. I like live theatre and some movies (dramas, romantic comedies and mystery thrillers), In addition to jazz I like R & B, Oldies and Goodies and Easy Listening, I like to read and I am a Food Network fanatic, primarily because I get some pretty good ideas on different things to do with food
 Toi La:   I am a positive person, and I refuse to let negativity control my life. Positive energy brings life; negative energy tears it down, or destroys it. I wish to be surrounded in a positive environment as much as possible, where life, and love thrive in abundance, and grow!!! Negativity is another word for FEAR. Please think about this
 Tim Kiem:  .I want someone that is kind,caring,loving,enjoys life,one that knows there is stress in life..but doesn't let it run her life,one that isn't afraid to show and express their feelings, someone that agrees to disagree at times.

Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den Timmer (ID: 1445519)

Program made by: Quang T Le
Copyright ©2002, 2003, VietFun & VietSingle.